Remove excess ear wax and improve your hearing and wellbeing

Microsuction Earwax removal €65.00 Adults 18+ only.


Being aware of your ear health will allow you to better manage your hearing. The following signs and symptoms could indicate that you have an earwax buildup:

  • Loss of hearing

  • earache

  • discomfort

  • discharge

  • ears feeling full

  • ringing and itching

  • loss of balance, dizziness

  • coughing

Signs and Symptoms to look out for:

Need your earwax removed?

Microsuction is a safe and effective method of ear wax removal using a small suction tube and probe to gently remove any excess wax in the ear. It is now the preferred method of wax removal and considered the gold standard.

The fee is €65.00. Adults 18+ only.

Book your appointment by calling 085 1948877

Earwax Buildup and Cautions:

Instructions for Using Olive Oil Spray Ear Wax Softner

Open the ear canal by gently lifting and pulling outwards on the upper ear.

Spray Earol® twice into the blocked ear.

Massage the small bump on the outside of the ear, whilst moving the jaw up and down, and left to right. This helps Earol® adhere fully to the ear canal walls.

  • Repeat the procedure with the opposite ear if required.

Apply Earol® twice daily for 4 or 5 days before wax removal, or once a week after wax removal as preventative measure.

  • Please avoid putting cotton wool in your ear canal as it will absorb the oil making it less effective.

Some people naturally have more earwax in their ears than others. However, you could also have excess earwax build-up because you have hairy or narrow canals, you’re older (wax gets harder and more difficult to fall out as you age) or because you wear hearing aids, earplugs, helmets and other devices which potentially push the wax further in.

A blockage can often cause several symptoms such as; earache, difficulty hearing, itchiness, dizziness, ear infections and tinnitus.

Earwax removal may not be possible if you have any of the following:

  • Dry, tickly, or irritable throat

  • Poor head and neck control

  • Diabetes

Please speak to your GP if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Any pain within the last 90 days

  • Any middle ear infections within the last 90 days

  • Any current or recurrent ear infection

  • Any past operations in or around the ear

  • Suspect you have any foreign bodies in the ear canal

  • Suspect you have a perforated eardrum

  • Any fluid or discharge from inside your ear within the last 90 days



I am a certified Tympahealth Technologies microsuction earwax removal practitioner accredited by the BSA (British Society of Audiology) and BSHAA (British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists) . I am also a registered nurse with over 30 years' experience. I trained in London and have worked in most of the large London hospitals including St. Mary's, Chelsea and Westminster and Guy's and St Thomas'. In the past decade I've worked in the private sector in Harley Street and Chelsea. I returned home to Dungarvan in 2023.